We currently have Girls Club with Grade 7 girls in 4 different schools. We have begun to develop friendships with them where they feel comfortable talking with us. This is an answer to prayer so thank you for lifting us up!
We want Girls Club to be a place where the girls can come and ask questions that they may not be able to ask anyone else. Some of these girls do not have parents or mothers to teach them.
We have created a question box where girls can write on slips of paper questions they have that they do not want to ask in front of everyone. This allows for us to address the question to the group.

Umbuzo or Question:
- I don't like to talk to much because people don't love you and boy want to sleep with you. I don't know why.
- Why people hate you when you do good things.
- What happens when a person had raped you if you don't report him.
- What is your dad don't love you.
- What if you are pregnant how could you tell mom you can choose to tell your mom or could tell your teacher
- I know that God always answer prayer but sometimes why when things are tough God does not help? Why does God sometimes do things that makes us really really sad?
- Lets say you have a mother who always stay drunk what would you do
- Why I don't have parents. Why God have to take my parents away from me.
- Why does boy like to tease girls or beat them?
- If you want to love god what do you have to do.
- What will you do when your father beats you own mother
- What do I do if my parents want to divorce each other because of my fathers behavior?
- I love God and I want people to know about him. I want God to make me a person who love him and work for him.

Prayer Requests:
- Pray for the girls safety as they live in a very dangerous place.
- Pray that these girls would repent and believe in the Father. And that they would understand how much He loves them and wants to take care of them.
- Pray that the Lord would give us the wisdom and words to say to address these difficult issues.
- Pray that we would find our strength and shelter in the Lord as I am feeling overwhelmed with the task ahead of us!
1 comment:
Rachel, that's truly a serious situation. I'll pray for those girls, but I'm also worried about YOU! Wow!! Be safe!!
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