01 September 2009

I know English and I can read!

Never thought I would be teaching in Africa... but here I am.

When we were talking to the principal and a teacher at Mayibuye Primary, we explained that we would like to help the school in whatever way was needed. The teacher asked what we were qualified to do and our Bossman said, "well, they know English." So, that pretty much sums up how we got into teaching 3 classes of English Reading skills for Grade 7 girls in Snake Park, Soweto. 

We have two parts to our class period. The first part includes teaching English skills through practical application. We have worked on writing bios and how to follow and read a recipe. The second part includes reading a passage from the Bible.

This past week we had fun making edible playdough. We had the girls work together in groups of six reading a recipe. They did a great job and had a good time!

I read in Matthew 3 about John the Baptist preparing the way and the baptism of Jesus.

The girls did a great job listening... some made Jesus, John the Baptist with his belt, the dove coming down from Heaven and the water that Jesus was baptized in.

Girls love to sing and dance here. So, after we had finished our lesson one of the girls asked if she could sing a song for us. I love listening to them... they have the most beautiful voices!!


Courtney said...

So my favorite part is the fact that the majority of the rest of the class isn't paying them any attention. When I was in school if someone had started singing they would have had my full attention. So cute and so beautiful!

C. Deas ツ said...

Amazing Rach! I'm speechless!