Update on Girls Club in the schools:
(check prior school post)
Thulani Secondary: (4) Went back to the school for list of girls but a teacher had recently died therefore she was unable to speak with the girls to see who was interested. Next step, go back on Wednesday for second attempt at retrieving the list.
Hector Pieterson Primary: (1) I already have an invitation to continue Girls Club for 3rd year! Next step, call and confirm.
Dr. Mary Primary: (4) Called and principal was in the hospital. Told to come back the following week. (5) Went to school and spoke with principal who said yes to Girls Club! He says he hasn't talked to others but he has the final say anyway. He told us he will find a classroom to meet in and find out which grade 6 and 7 girls are interested. Next step, go Thursday to work out and finalize the little details.
Continue to pray that we would get in the schools quickly and be able to start next week. Pray for us as we continue to plan and decide what to teach.

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