The Dobsonville Mini Cup is brought to you by Zach and Brad! They did a wonderful job bringing 7 Soweto schools together for a day of soccer, fun and the Bible. Zach did well sharing a Bible story and the Gospel. Pray for the boys, coaches, teachers and families who came that they would understand of Christ's love for them.

Thanks to Philani who assists Zach with soccer we had an announcer who would give a play by play of games as well as share Bible verses during the day.

Philani has an amazing testimony of how Christ has changed his life. Please read about it at Africa Stories. He also has a lot of connections and one of them being Soweto TV. They came out to video the final game of the Mini Cup which will soon air. Pray that lives would be changed through this soccer outreach so that God may be glorified!

A member from Faith Baptist Church in Snake Park came to support his team. Nicholas is a new believer and assists Brad at Hector Pieterson with soccer.

Brad made a plan for the bracket and it worked out well. Each team was able to play at least two games. Teams who lost the first time were put in a losers bracket and were given the chance to win their way to the final game.

Unfortunately, my team Mayibuye Primary lost a game and was put into the losers bracket. They were not able to make it to the championship game. They were fourth out of seven teams. Ngithanda abafana! I love these boys!

I made myself unofficial photographer of the day. I had fun letting the boys take pictures of each other as many had never used a camera before. Some children asked if their photo would be in the newspaper. I love soccer but I love children more so many of my pictures are of faces. Have you seen more beautiful children?

Many of the games ended in ties which lead to penalty kicks to determine who was moving on. Please note this awesome goal.. the position of the goalie and the soccer ball in the back of the net.

This is Hector Pieterson, where Amber and I have a Girls Club, cheering on their teammates who are taking the penalty shots. They would sing songs and dance in support of their team!

I know that soccer is just a game but for some of these children this is all they have. Children in Soweto do not get many opportunities like this.

I'm so proud of the boys who had good sportsmanship. After one game in particular, Mayibuye was quick to shake hands with the Obed Messiane team. So sweet.

Second place is... Enkolweni Primary! This is one of Brad's schools located in Dobsonville where we are trying to start a church. Brad has a good relationship and enjoys working with Rasta, the coach.

First place goes to... Bonamelo Primary! This school is located in Snake Park and coached by Zach and Philani. Philani claimed from weeks prior that Bonamelo would take the cup and he was right.
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