Can I just say that my mom, Diane, and second mom, Dawn, are the most amazing women ever?! They worked so hard to help me host a bridal shower (also known as a kitchen & tea in SA) for Sibongile. Those of you who know my mom know how awesome her Christmas cookies are. Well, she took the time to make batches of cookies and they both carefully carried the cookies in their bookbags all the way here from America. How sweet!
Here is Sibongile and I with her son Kabelo before the party began.

We had a time of prayer, worship, singing and dancing, eating, and sharing words of advice with Sibongile. We had about 15-20 women come and support her during this special time in her life. It was a wonderful time of fellowship!

We also made spinach dip and a bean dip (thanks to my sis, Vanessa, for the recipe) which disappeared along with all the cookies. The food was a major hit to say the least. What I loved the most was when people asked how they were to eat it... definitely not food they were used to. It was fun teaching them how to eat American style as many times I have to ask how to eat the African way.

Speaking of the African way... Dawn had her birthday earlier in October... I asked her what she wanted for her birthday and she requested a cultural meal. So, Given cooked her pap and chicken which both she and my mom loved!

Omama had the opportunity to participate in Bible Study and enjoyed learning through the oral telling of the story of Jesus' resurrection. This year we have started storying through the whole Bible to show how God's plan from the beginning was Christ. We share the Bible story orally and then we have them answer a set of questions... What do you like about the story? What is confusing or hard to understand? What do you learn about God? What do you learn about man? What do you need to obey? After the questions, we have the participants learn to share the story by repeating it and having them practice in partners. They are then challenged to share the story with someone that week.
I have really enjoyed this way of studying the Bible and it has challenged me to learn the stories more accurately. Also, I have learned much from my African friends as they share their perspective on the stories.

Omama came to Girls Club... It was such a joy to have them there and to see what it is I do each week. The girls loved meeting my "moms." We had a good time practicing a Bible verse (Romans 6:23). I was impressed to see one of my girls was able to recite it after we just learned it for the first time the previous week. These girls are hungry for the Word! What a blessing to be a part of what God is doing in their lives! We also studied the story of Jesus' baptism.

We have begun a tradition in Girls Club of having guests dance for the girls... so my mamas were such good sports and played along...
For your viewing pleasure (with permission):
Omama Dance from Rachel Jensen on Vimeo.
We also had some free time... My mom loves flowers and gardening so I thought it would be appropriate to take her to the botanical gardens. We had a lovely picnic and enjoyed catching up on life!

Sad to see them go but such a blessing to have them here and experience my life here in South Africa! At this point I have 7 months till I return to the States... bitter sweet.