We took a nice holiday to Kruger National Park for a few days. We ended up leaving at 430am and arrived 12 hours later at our chalet. But we enjoyed the ride and stopped for a pancake breakfast in a small town along the way.

The first morning we woke up for a 5am walk in the bush. We had two guides with guns who took us through the bush. One guide, John, found rhino prints and began tracking them. We kept walking and finally ran into a mama and baby rhino. They were surprised to see us and once they finally smelt us they began running around and acting like they were going to charge us. John told us that if he motioned for us to move that he wanted us to hide behind the bushes! Thankfully, we started walking in the other direction and after the rhinos circled around they decided to run in the other direction. Amazing experience!

Dad and I enjoyed the African outdoors! We saw jackals, hippos, zebra, giraffe, wilderbeast, impala and vervet monkeys. I enjoyed learning all about the different animals. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to walk in the bush alongside all these amazing animals.

Of course I had to take a TOMS shot in the safari jeep...

During the day we would drive around and try to find as many animals as possible... We found a water hole where we were able to sit and observe. My favorite was watching the elephants play in the water and then climb up a hill and cross the road. At one point, we were actually scared for our lives as some elephants appeared in the back and front of our car to cross the road and we were in the way... We even heard an elephant make their trumpet sound at another car for blocking their path. What an awesome show they put on for us!

We also went on a night ride and a sunset ride in hopes to see some cats by spot light. Thankfully, we were finally able to see a leopard walking around our last night there.
I heart African sunsets!

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