God has been so good to me. Lori is a woman of faith and has been such an encouragement to me. We share life together even with being so far away during this time in our lives. But we still hold each other accountable in our walks with the Lord. So, thank you to all those who supported Lori in prayer and financially in order for her to come here to visit me. I have been so blessed!
Lori and I went to Gold Mountain one day with my best friend here, Sibongile. We had an awesome time playing and just chatting with one another. These mountains are deposits from the time of gold mining. Not too sure if this is the safest place to be as there could be arsenic or other chemicals in the mountains. But it is such a peaceful place as you look down over the busyness of Soweto. This is Mdodoa (man) who came with us for a day of fun.

I prayed before coming to South Africa for God to provide me with deep relationships with people in Soweto. It is amazing to see how God has answered that prayer! My South African friends were so quick to open their lives and homes to my dear friend Lori. Sibongile was honored to cook pap (corn meal), tripe (intestines) and a side salsa for us.
Sibongile came with Lori and I to Girls Club at Hector Pieterson. Because it was the second to last day of school, they knocked off early so we got there after many girls had already left. But we had a good time regardless. What I am learning is that we are to with-ness. It is difficult to witness and tell someone about Jesus if you are not willing to spend time with them. I'm seeing the value of the deeper relationships I am making as I spend more time with the girls and other people that I meet.
Gogo Mumsy is a sweet lady who was the first person that I met in Soweto. She cares for her four of her daughter's five children by herself. Please pray for her as she tries to provide and care for them. She shared her testimony of how she came to accept Jesus as Lord. She also prayed for Lori and her trip back home.
Our last hooray was another trip to Gold Mountain which was Lori's favorite place to go. This time we went with another good friend Philani. We had such a wonderful time learning about how he gave his life to Christ. It was so encouraging to hear how God had protected him in the past and to see how God is using him today for His glory. Philani is such a good role model for the boys in Soweto and continues to amaze me with his passion for the Lord.
You can't tell from this picture but we are extremely high up. In order to give you perspective, look above our heads in the tree line and you can see how small the truck is.
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