We had the opportunity to go watch Zach have soccer practice at Mayibuye Primary School. This is the school where Amber and I have currently stopped going because they were not consistent with having Girls Club. But I enjoy just being there and have begun developing relationships with the boys on the soccer team.
Lori and I started inviting children that were walking by to come play soccer with us. We organized a game with about 15 children.

I just love being in Soweto... how awesome it is to see children and adults that I know every time I am walking or driving around. These are some girls from last years Girls Club at Mayibuye that we got to spend time with. They were excited to see me and meet Lori!

Every Tuesday we have Bible study in three different blocks in Snake Park. This past week we did not have it in Block 8 so we joined another study in Block 11. We had a good time discussing Jehosaphat and how he made an important decision based on man's opinion and not seeking God. We do the same thing almost every day! For am I now seeking the approval of man or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ." Galatians 1:10
Zakhele and Kenneth taught us some of the signs used to catch a taxi. I'm hoping that Lori and I can have the pleasure of experiencing a taxi ride while she is here.

We had Girls Club at Hector Pieterson Primary School. We told the story of Isaiah and how he told of the Savior being born, living a perfect life, dying on the cross in our place and rising again so that we may have a relationship with God our Father. Then we had the girls make Wordless Books... Gold: God, Gray: Sin, Red: Jesus blood, White: Forgiveness of sins, Green: Grow in our faith. Pray that they would understand and accept this free gift of salvation.

Amber made an announcement before Lori and I showed up saying that I had brought a guest. The girls got all excited and thought that it was Beyonce. When we showed up they screamed and ran towards us. They were so excited to see her and asked her to dance. Lori being the awesome sport that she is obliged.

We went to Obed Messiane Primary School to hang with the girls. This school is a little less organized and we have not been able to have Girls Club as often. But I have a passion for these girls and have continued to come. While Zach has soccer I just hang with the girls and have really begun to develop relationships with them. I'm praying that they will be more excited and willing to listen about God because I have talked with them, played with them, and loved on them. They are seeking to know God and have asked me to teach them. Pray that they would accept my invitation to church. Please pray that they would understand of the Father's love and put all their trust in Him.
We had a good time getting our hair did, playing netball, listening to them sing and learning Zulu. Good times!

1 comment:
It sounds like you guys are having an awesome time! Love you both!
julie :o)
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