What will you find driving around Soweto?
Shops. You will find people who set up shop on the side of the road. They sell anything from inkuku (chicken), cow heads (and every part including hooves and intestines), fruits, veg, sweeties and other snack foods.

Animals. You not only have to avoid the crazy taxi drivers but animals and people in the roads as well. You can find goats, pigs, chickens, cows, donkeys just cruisin' the streets. You will see many women carrying things on their heads, amazing!

Landscape. You will see the beautiful gold deposit mountains which are not liked by locals because of the dust blown into their homes. The cooling towers which were used to power white areas during apartheid can be see from many locations in Soweto. We may be bungee jumping off these towers... I'll keep you updated.

Children playing. You will find children and adults sitting on the side of the road under the shade of a tree. Young children play different township games, soccer or find anything to play with hence the broken shopping trolley. This boy with a stick is walking barefoot through sewage. He was helping us retrieve our soccer ball.

1 comment:
I love Soweto! My socks do too, they don't ever want me to forget it! :)
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