This is our helper Mutale who takes us around Kalingalinga to meet with people and learn. She is so funny and has really been helpful in teaching us about African culture. I'm going to miss her!
Mutale even took us out to eat... you may be wondering what this is a picture of. Yes, I ate caterpillars and no they weren't too bad. I would eat them again! We also had whole fish (with head and tail), kapenta (little whole fish that you eat in one bite), nshima (like pap in SA), rape (greens almost like spinach) and chicken. It was a very interesting meal to say the least.
This is Sandra and I drinking mukoyo. This drink is made out of maize that is boiled. The interesting thing is that if you set it out for 7 days it becomes beer. It had a bitter taste to it but I'm thinking it was only at day 5 or 6.
The Zambian Vocal Collection came to sing for us... they are amazing! You should check them out. They have awesome voices and truly love the Lord.
And of course I had to take a picture of some kids... aren't they too cute?!
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