14 October 2010

Ubaba & Omama: Pt 1

I have the best parents anyone could ask for! They have always been there for me through the good times and the bad. I'm so thankful for their godly leadership in my life. They taught me at a young age to fear the Lord and walk in His ways. They have always been so encouraging and supportive of me and even more so when I decided to follow the Lord's leading and live in Africa for two years. It has been hard to be away from family but I'm so blessed to have my Dad, Mom and Dawn (like a 2nd mom) come to visit me and share in my ministry!

My Dad is a trooper... on the day he arrived he was already out in Soweto playing with children. He was able to see Zach and Philani's soccer ministry and be a part of it.

Dad came to Bible study with me and was able to meet some members of Faith Baptist Church in Snake Park. My dad enjoyed getting to talk with Zakhele all about South Africa and America.

After Bible Study, we hung out with some friends who enjoyed a meal of kotas together. Kota, also known as Bunny Chow, is a quarter of a loaf of bread filled with chips (french fries), meats, and cheese. Everyone has taken to calling him Father... Dad mentioned that Sibongile may be his new favorite daughter. So quickly I have been replaced :)

Even though my Dad is a boy... I thought he might enjoy seeing what I do at Girls Club. The girls were so excited to meet him and even sung a song for him!

My Mom and Dawn came over two days later to join the festivities! They were so sweet to come bearing gifts...

A special thanks to Grace and Faith who made a book with notes and pictures for me! I miss you girls so much :)

Thank you Carole for the encouraging note and the rand. I wish you could have been able to come and share in this experience!

Thank you Kimmie for the fun gifts.. especially the Gucci donation to kids suffering from HIV/AIDS in South Africa. How appropriate and thoughtful!

Mom and Dawn joined Sibongile, Thembane and I at discipleship. Sibongile was so excited to meet my mom that she began crying as she hugged her. Too sweet! We enjoyed studying Sarah together and sharing with one another about how God has worked in our lives during times of waiting.

Side note: Ubaba means Father in Zulu. Omama means more than one Mother in Zulu.


Courtney said...

YAY for your parents coming! I know you are loving having them.
Random side note: your hair is getting so long!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rachel - so happy your parents and friend are with you for a visit. I've enjoyed reading your blog. I pray for you, and for the ministry God has given you there.
Love, Mrs. Baker

Hope said...

You are a true disciple of Jesus Christ. I wanted to share something that I have been reminded of in my Bible study. I pray it will encourage you. "You and I have not been called to an easy life but a purposeful life." Enjoy your precious family and friends... We love you!