I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you. Psalm 119:11
It is so important that we have God's word in our heart so when times of trouble, doubt or temptation come, we will be able to stand. Just think of Jesus when He was tempted by satan, every response He gave was Scripture.
I can't tell you the joy I have experienced when children run up to me in the streets to tell me John 3:16 or sing a worship song. I may not see all the fruits of my labor but I trust that the Lord has planted seeds in the hearts of many children and youth and will water and cause them to grow in His timing.

One of the many barriers that we face working here in South Africa is the many languages. It is difficult to communicate in people's hearts language since there are 11 official languages plus people from every African country represented. But we try to teach verses in a few of the South African languages so the children will truly understand the verse. The language in the picture is Sesotho.
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