Days like this remind me that I am still in Africa...
Apparently the city is trying to change electricity to pay as you go. A man came to our gate to say that if I don't let him install the new pre-paid meter that day, they will cut my electricity off. I tried to call the electricity company but no answer. So, we went ahead with this pay as you go system. The man began installing the meter and gave us a 'cashpower' card.

Top Left: He then told us that we must go to the civic center to buy electricity. We went there only to find that we needed to go to the city hall. We found the city hall by mistake, thankfully. After going to the city hall, they said they don't deal with this but gave us a number to call. We called the number to try to activate the card, the number didn't work. We called another number only to be put on hold for a really long time. Finally, we spoke to a lady who said that maybe our card was activated now.
Top Right: We decided to go ahead to the grocery store to try to buy electricity. It worked!
Bottom Right: Afterwards, we headed back to the house. The man had said that he would wait for us but he wasn't there. He left a note with his number and said to call him for assistance. I called him and he came back shortly.
Bottom Left: He proceeded to come inside and show us how to use the electricity machine. Each time I buy electricity, I have to dial in numbers from a receipt to recharge. The machine also lets you test how much electricity you have by plugging it into the wall.
This should be interesting...
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