I'm so excited that school is back in session after a month long holiday!! I am now in the process of contacting the 3 schools Lori, Stephanie and I will be working in doing Girls Club. No surprise... it has been difficult.
Thulani Secondary: (1) Went by but the principal was not there. Left a letter. (2) Called and made an appointment. (3) Came for appointment and principal was busy so he sent me to talk with another lady. This lady is going to offer Girls Club to the grade 8 and grade 9 girls and get a list of who is interested. Next step, come back on Friday to retrieve list.
Side note: I'm excited about working at this high school because I know many of the grade 9 girls from 2 years ago doing Girls Club at 3 primary schools in the area. Pray for me to be able to grow deeper in these already established relationships.
Hector Pieterson Primary: (1) I already have an invitation to continue Girls Club for the 3rd year! Next step, call and confirm.
Dr. Mary Primary: (1) Dropped in and no principal. (2) Phoned and left message with secretary who said principal would call back. (3) Called again and set up appointment for this week. Next step, meet with principal.
Pray that Stephanie, Lori and I will be able to begin next week with Girls Club. Pray teachers and principals who are helping will make this a priority and realize the value Girls Club can be for these girls. Pray for us as we prepare and make plans for what we will be teaching and doing.
We don't have much time... only 4 months... and some of that time will be holiday breaks and school events that prevent us from coming. That means we have at most 12 weeks to make an impact for Christ in these girls' lives!

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