Let me just say that my two girls, Sibongile and Thembane are amazing! I'm so blessed to see the Lord working in their lives. I'm so excited for the opportunity to spend time with them and encourage them in their faith.
A couple weeks ago, we were at Thulani Secondary School and met a grade 8 named Sense. She came up to Umfundisi (Pastor Alan) and told him that she was having trouble sleeping and was afraid of evil spirits and witchcraft. I was able to go with Thembane once before and share the demon possessed story from Mark 5 to show Jesus' power of evil spirits. Also we shared that the only way to not be afraid of evil spirits is to have Jesus in your life. For if Jesus is in you, He is greater than satan and evil spirits who are in the world (1 John 4:4).
Sibongile came with the next time we visited Sense. I asked Sibongile if she would share a verse. I had challenged her and Thembane to memorize Jeremiah 29:11 in discipleship the week prior so she decided to share that verse with Sense. Sibongile then began sharing her testimony... how her life had been before and now how it is with Christ. I was so excited and blessed to see Sibongile sharing. Please pray that Sibongile would continue to be bold in her witness and pour into the lives of young girls around her.

I'm really discovering the need for deep relationships in Africa. I see the importance of having a relationship with people from church outside of church. I have really begun to live life with my friends and love every minute of it!! I was so encouraged recently when a friend told me that I was special and so different from others. They said they could tell that I love people and Soweto. They continued on to say that they were so thankful I was here and kept telling me that I couldn't leave next year.
I believe there is always a need to just have some fun... So we decided to wash my car together. There were a number of men who offered to wash the car for us as they wanted money. But the weather was nice and we had a good time working together. Sibongile and Thembane invited along two girls who used to come to church but have since stop coming. I'm so excited to see them reaching out to her neighbors! Pray that they would continue to be a light in their neighborhood.

I have discipleship once a week with Sibongile and Thembane. But this week, Thembane called to say that her 1 year old, Koketso was sick. Now, one thing you have to understand is how difficult it is to get places with a taxi. Sometimes it can take you hours to get somewhere that should only take you 30 minutes in a car. So, I felt impressed upon to help Thembane. I have been blessed with the use of a car and feel strongly about reaching out and helping those in need. I decided to invite Sibongile along so the three of us could enjoy some fellowship together.
This is Africa. This is a phrase that you will hear Americans say often when things don't seem to go as planned or as efficient as our culture demands. Today was one of those days as the whole process to take Koketso to the doctor took 4 hours! While being here I have learned that keeping time is not as important as building relationships. Over the past year, there have been many situations where I went into it having a schedule that was quickly thrown out the window. But through the experience I see that God had bigger plans and I was able to minister to those in need.
I was so encouraged afterwards when Thembane said thank you and that I was like Jesus because I helped her. Wow! I don't say that to lift myself up but it just made me realize that something small like taking someone to the doctor is one way to express Jesus' love.

Being in Africa, I have learned the importance of not just addressing spiritual needs but physical as well. There are so many people with almost nothing who are in such great need. Jesus taught people spiritual truths but at the same time he met their physical needs. Jesus healed the sick, demon possessed, disabled, and even fed people. God tells us to take care of the least of these... that is my passion!
"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
The King will reply, "I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." Matthew 25:35-36, 40
What have you done for the least of these? What have you done for Jesus?
Please pray that I would continue to see what some may call inconveniences as opportunities to share Christ love with those around me!
Please pray for Sibongile and Thembane, that they would continue in the faith stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel (Colossians 1:23).
1 comment:
Nice blog update. Can't beat hanging out with National friends like that!! Awesome!!
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