You can not walk down the street in Soweto without seeing children everywhere which I love! I have enjoyed playing with kids and showing them love through a simple South African hand shake or a hug. Side note: when I go to hug a child many times they don't know what to do and just stand there. It is heart breaking to know that many of them don't know what to do because no one is giving them hugs.
At Faith Baptist Church, almost half of the attendance is made up of children and youth. I truly believe the Scripture that says to train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it (Proverbs 22:6). I was a child who grew up in the church which had such a positive impact in my life and my current commitment to Christ. There was a time when I was older that I walked away from the Lord but I know that what I had been taught by my parents and in Sunday School played a part in me coming back to the Lord and the truths I had been taught. Therefore, I value teaching the next generation about the Lord... we will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the LORD, his power, and the wonders he has done. Psalm 78:4
You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:7
Now, this Scripture is talking about parents teaching their children but that is not always possible. There are many children at Faith Baptist whose parents do not come which is why it is so important for these children to be taught about God in Sunday School. Sibongile has a love for children and teaching them. Please pray for her to continue to value teaching the next generation about the Lord.

Winter is coming to an end so people are more willing to walk to church which led to a good attendance. Sibongile was the MC (master of ceremony) which means that she directs the service which includes praise and worship, introduction of guests, testimonies, offering, and calling up the Umfundisi (pastor).
We had an awesome time worshipping the Lord in at least 4 different languages! There were many people who shared testimonies of God's goodness. Thembane shared Jeremiah 29:11 that she had memorized from discipleship and encouraged the church that God has plans for them. It was such a blessing to hear people give the glory to God! And Umfundisi spoke from Acts 2:42-47 about the importance of the church gathering together for fellowship. Please pray that the church would build relationships with one another and fellowship outside of church (2:42, 46). Pray that they would take of each other when someone is in need (2:44) so that others may see the love of God and desire to know Him (2:47).