Amber and I decided to hold a Kids Club in Diepsloot in order to raise excitement and interest in Sunday School at Immanuel Baptist Church. Ma'm Dudu, the Sunday School teacher assisted us and did a wonderful job translating. We are praying that many of these children will begin coming to church and Sunday School. Pray for these children to know of Jesus' love. Pray for Ma'm Dudu as she teaches these children!
With the help of Zach, Brad, Nick and Pastor Thaba the boys played soccer. Anytime you bring out a soccer ball the boys come running.

The girls usually do not want to play soccer or maybe the boys don't want them to play. Anyway, the girls chose to play netball instead. We decided to start face painting with the little girls and soon after the older girls were in que to have their faces painted. I'm not an artist as you can tell from their faces.

South Africa 2010... now that's ayoba! The meaning of this word is an expression of delight in South African township slang. The excitement of the World Cup can be seen everywhere with only 40 days left!!

I had the privilege of telling the Bible story. I told the story from Mark 5 of Jesus healing the man with many evil spirits. I feel this story is very relevant to these children as it is common for people to be possessed here. It is important for these children to know that God is more powerful than satan therefore they do not need to fear as long as they have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Little children, you are from God and have overcome them, for he who is in you (Jesus) is greater than he who is in the world (satan).
1 John 4:4

1 comment:
Way to rock out kidslife!
And i love the little boy scowling in the middle of the pic of boys. So funny!
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