Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 28:19
Jesus' last words before he ascended into Heaven, were to make disciples therefore that is my passion. We have had the awesome pleasure of meeting Thembane and Sibongile last year and sharing the Gospel with them and seeing them come to faith in Christ. God is good! They are both very dear to me.

Amber and I have decided to start a women's discipleship group. We are excited to be able to just spend time together reading the Word and praying. Please pray with us that these women would "continue in the faith, stable and steadfast, not shifting from the hope of the gospel that you heard." Colossians 1:23
Also, please pray for other women to join the discipleship group.

Our first time meeting we spent time discussing prayer. We talked about the Lord's prayer and how it is a model of how we are to pray. We also shared with them how to pray through Scripture and to make prayer cards.

Pray for Thembane as she is the mama of a one year old girl which has often times held her back from getting more involved. Pray that she would see the value of bringing her along while she does ministry.

This is a video of Thembane putting her baby on her back... so that she would not be distracted during Bible study. I hope to carry my babies this way one day!!
African Baby Sling from Rachel Jensen on Vimeo.
I love the video! So interesting :)
Are you kidding me? My kids would jump off my back before I ever got him wrapped up. And seriously was that just a towel and some diaper pins. Kinda wishing I had that $40 back from my sling...
How do we pronounce her name?
How precious to see God bring forth fruit for the kingdom of God.
It is amazing to see babies less than 6 months old just lay on their mamas back waiting to be wrapped with the towel. And most mamas don't even use diaper pins.
Thembane. Tem-ba-nay.
I praise God for allowing me to be a part of His work!
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