Freedom Day is a holiday in South Africa celebrating the first post-apartheid elections held on 27 April 1994. The elections were the first time that everyone of voting age of over 18 from any race group were allowed to vote. Previously, under the apartheid regime non-whites had only limited rights to vote.
I celebrated Freedom Day this year by going to Bible study where we had a record number of 10 nationals. Very exciting! I asked one of my friends Zakhele to tell me what Freedom Day means to him which you can hear in the video below...
Freedom Day, South Africa from Rachel Jensen on Vimeo.
One of our friends, Philani just celebrated his 25th birthday. But we were not able to be with Philani so we surprised him on Freedom Day with a cake to celebrate.
Africans celebrate with the birthday person providing the cake, cutting the cake and serving others first. I'm realizing how different African culture is which is shown in this simple difference in birthday celebrations.
African birthdays are a little different compared to our American tradition of one's birthday being all about them. Africans value relationships and involving the whole community, it is more about the collective than the individual. I just love learning about other cultures and their traditions!

Philani is a strong believer and has been an encouragement to all of us. He assists Zach with soccer and does a great job working with the boys at each school. He is a godly role model for the young boys in Soweto. You should check out part of his life story in this video about religion in Soweto.