This is a picture of the outside of our "flat" with our toyota corolla. We have 3 bedrooms therefore we have an extra room... come on over for a visit!

This is our kitchen/dining room/living room. You can see the wooden steps that lead up to a room which we plan to use as our office. What you can't see is that I'm wearing multiple layers including my jacket... which I often wear when inside. There is no central heating and it is 0C (32F)... therefore we stay downstairs beside the gas heater. The gas heater has wheels so we move it back and forth between the living room and our bathroom when it's shower time.
This will be my first birthday - July 6th - celebrated in the winter!!

This is the master bedroom that Amber graciously allowed me to have. I wish you could see how many layers are on my bed... only 4 blankets and an electric heating pad under the fitted sheet. My typical night attire is leggings, long pants, long socks, t-shirt, long sleeve shirt and a fleece jacket.
Let's just say it gets a little chilly at night without heat.

With the exception of having no heat, ya'll are living nice! I want to come visit!!
wow, you sure have a sweet crib! and your room is very tidy :) i can't wait till i can come visit. love you!
Hey Rachel! This is Melanie Huffman. I stumbled accross your blog on good ole' facebook and just wanted to say how excited I am for you and your mission field in Africa! I am so glad the Lord led you to do missions and will be sure to keep you in my prayers. It takes special people and I am glad the Lord laid that on your heart. Try to stay warm and I hope you have a great time!
I am a horrible friend and totally let it slip my mind. Just so you know I am in bed about to fall asleep but just had to let you know I am thinking of you and love you!!!!
Nice Crib! Happy Birthday! Much love hommie!
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