25 October 2009

Welcome to Zambia

Well, Amber and I have made it to Zambia for our month long training. Can I just say that they have the biggest spiders I have ever seen... and I am not a fan of spiders in case you didn't know. We will live in the city for 2 weeks, move to the village to live in tents and then for 3 days we will live with a Zambian family. I will not be able to update my blog as regularly but keep checking in to see more pictures of Zambia and the people.

The trees and landscape of Zambia are gorgeous. It is summer therefore it is extremely hot. But the good news is that all the plants and trees are flowering.

I am excited to be with some of our people from training back in April, which means.... game time! We have already started playing card games and farkle every night. Amber and I are excited since no one in Joburg will play games with us (Zach). We miss everyone else from training who used to stay up late at night to play farkle.

On Sunday, we had church and then were given the rest of the day off. We decided to go to the market to buy some Zambian souvenirs. I always enjoy bartering with people. And I just love after the transaction usually giving them more than what I said and telling them zikomo (thank you in Chichewa) and seeing them smile.


Courtney said...

glad to see ya'll made it! have fun. love and miss you, raquel!!!

Zach Townsend said...

Glad you and amber are having fun. Hope the rest of your time in Zambia is good. Oh and what's up with calling me out in your blog? ZT

C. Deas ツ said...

I missed something, What's farkle?

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey, Glad to see that you get to have some fun on your training. Sorry about the spiders. Seems like God is stretching you. Grams got her postcard today and was really pleased. Love you, Mom